SectionT Member List

This is the complete list of members for SectionT, including all inherited members.

Char typedefSectionT
ElementList typedefSectionT
ElementT()ElementT [inline]
ElementT(const String &element_name)ElementT [inline, explicit]
ElementT(const Char *element_name)ElementT [inline, explicit]
ElementT(const ThisType &other)ElementT [inline]
EMPTY()SectionT [inline, static]
equal(const ThisType &other) const SectionT [inline]
fullName(const String &sep) const ElementT [inline]
fullName(const Char *sep) const ElementT [inline]
fullName() constElementT [inline]
merge(const ThisType &other)SectionT [inline]
name() constElementT [inline]
name()ElementT [inline]
operator!=(const SectionT< Str > &x, const SectionT< Str > &y)SectionT [related]
omni::conf::ElementT::operator!=(const ElementT< Str > &x, const ElementT< Str > &y)ElementT [related]
operator<<(std::basic_ostream< Ch, Tr > &os, const SectionT< Str > &section)SectionT [related]
operator=(const ThisType &other)SectionT [inline]
omni::conf::ElementT::operator=(const String &new_val)ElementT [inline]
omni::conf::ElementT::operator=(const Char *new_val)ElementT [inline]
operator==(const SectionT< Str > &x, const SectionT< Str > &y)SectionT [related]
omni::conf::ElementT::operator==(const ElementT< Str > &x, const ElementT< Str > &y)ElementT [related]
operator>>(std::basic_istream< Ch, Tr > &is, SectionT< Str > &cfg)SectionT [related]
prefix() constElementT [inline]
prefix()ElementT [inline]
SectionList typedefSectionT
SectionT()SectionT [inline]
SectionT(const String &section_name)SectionT [inline, explicit]
SectionT(const Char *section_name)SectionT [inline, explicit]
SectionT(const ThisType &other)SectionT [inline]
String typedefSectionT
suffix() constElementT [inline]
suffix()ElementT [inline]
swap(ThisType &other)SectionT [inline]
swap(SectionT< Str > &x, SectionT< Str > &y)SectionT [related]
omni::conf::ElementT::swap(ElementT< Str > &x, ElementT< Str > &y)ElementT [related]
val() constElementT [inline]
val()ElementT [inline]
~ElementT()ElementT [inline, virtual]
~SectionT()SectionT [inline, virtual]

Generated on Wed Jun 6 17:27:47 2007 for OMNI by  doxygen 1.5.2