Inheritance diagram for CriticalSection:
This class is used for intra-process synchronization.
It implements Lockable interface for Win32 and *nix platform (based on CRITICAL_SECTION structure for Win32 and on pthread_mutex for *nix).
CriticalSection | ( | ) |
Critical Section construction.
The constructor initializes the synchronization object.
~CriticalSection | ( | ) |
Critical Section destruction.
The destructor deletes the synchronization object.
void enter | ( | ) | [virtual] |
Lock synchronization object.
If synchronization object is not locked by another thread or process, then it will be locked.
If synchronization object is already locked by another thread or process, then this method waits for this object and lock it.
After synchronization object was locked it should be unlocked by leave() method.
Implements Lockable.
void leave | ( | ) | [virtual] |